Although early spring and spring are the most popular time to visit Estonia, 2025 was good example how rewarding winter birding can be. Thanks to the Hawk Owl irruption we had several short winter birding tours in January and early February. All trips got very good sightings of the Hawk Owl.
Below are some images taken during our short winter tours in 2025.
Northern Hawk Owl. All groups had brilliant views of this stunning diurnal winter owl. One bird was still around in early March for our Steller´s Eider weekend break group. Photo by Tarvo Valker
This tiny Eurasian Pygmy Owl caught a vole just 5 meters from us. Photo by Tarvo Valker
On a last day of February it was time for our annual Steller´s Eider weekend break. The tour started really well with nice views of the White-backed and Black Woodpecker, many Nutcrackers and stunning Pygmy Owl as we were travelling to Saaremaa island. Following birding day on Saaremaa started with a search of Steller´s and we managed to see flock of over 80 birds. Nice calm conditions made the sighting really nice and alongside with 51 drakes there was also adult females plus some 1st winter birds.
A flock of Steller´s Eiders. Saaremaa island, February 2025. Photo by Tarvo Valker
In the afternoon we were back on mainland and found two more Pygmy Owls and male Black Grouse was seen feeding on a silver birch. On our last full day we focused on finding the lingering Hawk Owl – and there it was. Bird was less than 10 meters from us. More Nutcrackers, more Black Woodpeckers and two pre-dusk Moose were nothing to complain about either. On our last day we saw more Black Grouse and had a brief flight view of the Hazel Hen. Nice way to finish another short but really rewarding winter break.
We have good news – we have already released dates for next year Steller´s Eider weekend break and soon we will launch very new itinerary for new winter tour – “Steller´s Eider and winter Owls”. This tour will focus on seeing wintering Steller´s Eider plus finding three Owl species – Hawk, Pygmy and Ural Owl. So feel free to request a space for our tours in 2026 or ask the itinerary for the private trip.