What a truly amazing trip, brilliant hotels, cafes, food and drink, your guiding was second to none! For me the sight of Stellers Eiders and Hawk Owl will live with me forever, as well as an unbelievable last night with point blank views of a Tengmalms Owl followed minutes later by a ditch jumping Lynx!!!
Payment. Last date for the full payment of the tour is 10 weeks before the tour starts.
Cancellations by you If you cancel your booking either through failure to pay the balance due or for any other reason, we may charge a cancellation fee calculated as follows: – 75 days before departure 50% of the holiday cost – 50 days before departure 75% of the holiday cost – 50 days or less before departure (or failure to join the holiday) 100% of holiday cost.
Cancellation by us.
If we cancel, we shall refund whatever money you have paid to us, in full. Our cancellations will be not less than 8 weeks before the tour starts.